السبت 2025-03-22 08:34 م

خلطات طبيعية لتبييض اليدين وترطيبهما

02:34 م

The hands are the most used part of the body during the day. During the day ,   the hands are exposed to bacteria and germs, are washed with soap and water, are exposed to direct sunlight, and others. All of these factors change the external appearance of the hand, making it cracked, rough, and discolored. Therefore, the hand needs special care and attention to maintain its safety and restore its natural luster and shape, especially for women. A woman always wants her hand to be soft and of a uniform color.

اضافة اعلان


There are many natural materials that nourish and lighten the skin. They can be used at any time and their ingredients are available in most homes. The most prominent of these mixtures are:


- Beeswax and sweet almond oil: This recipe is used to whiten hands, by placing two tablespoons of beeswax and two tablespoons of sweet almond oil on the fire until the ingredients melt, then adding two tablespoons of glycerin to the mixture and stirring well, and it is used by applying it to the hands in the evening and leaving it until the morning, then washing it with a loofah and soap using warm water.

- Vaseline and sweet almond oil: The Vaseline and sweet almond oil recipe is used to whiten hands, by mixing two tablespoons of Vaseline, two tablespoons of glycerin, and two tablespoons of sweet almond oil, and applying it to the hands in the evening, leaving it until the morning, then washing it with a loofah and soap using warm water.




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